Results for 'José Franco Monte Sião'

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  1.  36
    Dobzhansky and Dreyfus’s Group: The Introduction of Natural Population Genetics Studies in Brazil (1943–1960).José Franco Monte Sião & Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins - 2020 - Perspectives on Science 28 (2):244-276.
    An important center in which genetic research started and was carried out in Brazil during the 20thcentury was situated at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Linguistics of the University of São Paulo, led by André Dreyfus (1897–1952). Beginning in 1943, the Ukrainian geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900–1975) visited Dreyfus’s group four times. This paper evaluates the impact of Dobzhansky’s visits on the studies of genetics and evolution developed by the members of Dreyfus’s group during the 1940s and the 1950s. The (...)
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    On automorphisms of arbitrary mathematical systems.José Sebastião E. Silva & A. J. Franco de Oliveira - 1985 - History and Philosophy of Logic 6 (1):91-116.
    Translator's summary The translated paper is an extract, published in 1945, of an unpublished thesis, of both historical and technical import, dealing with notions of definability and their relation to invariance under automorphisms. The author develops a metamathematical Galois theory, and discusses and anticipates some aspects of higher-order model theory in an informal but conceptually rich manner.
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    Alteracións climáticas e mudanza democrática. Unha aproximación dende a ecoloxía política.Alberto José Franco Barrera - 2019 - Agora 38 (1).
    A mudanza climática representa un desafío urxente para as democracias modernas e para as formas de acción colectiva organizadas para loitar contra as consecuencias das alteracións climáticas. Ante isto, poden os sistemas democráticos evolucionar para enfrontar estes desafíos? O presente traballo deseña unha reformulación da democracia liberal baseada en dous principios xerais: a sostenibilidade e a democratización da democracia. Tendo en consideración que as consecuencias xeradas pola mudanza climática terán un impacto considerábel nas formas sociais de organización, analizarei o vencello (...)
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    Gestión clínica. Ventajas e inconvenientes.José Luis Temes Montes - 2001 - Arbor 170 (670):363-370.
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    Medición de temperatura: Sensores termoeléctricos.José William Montes Ocampo, Alzate Rodríguez, Edwin Jhovany & Carlos Armando Silva Ortega - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    The Role of Superstition in Psychopathology.José M. García-Montes, Marino Pérez Álvarez, Louis A. Sass & Adolfo J. Cangas - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):227-237.
    This article attempts to show the importance of the concept of superstition in understanding a range of psychological problems. With this aim, we critically analyze several constructs that, without actually using the term “superstition,” concern this phenomenon and its role in the development of mental disorders. First we discuss “Thought–Action Fusion” and “magical thinking,” two concepts from the cognitive tradition that view superstition as basically an ideational phenomenon. Second, we look at “Experiential Avoidance,” a post-Skinnerian concept that understands superstition as (...)
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  7. Tecnologia, crisis ambiental y desarrollo sustentable: un análisis crítico.José Francisco Sarmiento Franco - 1997 - Ludus Vitalis 2 (UMERO ESPECIAL):127-133.
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    Automatización y control del experimento de la gota de Millikan.José Edgar Carmona Franco, Hugo Armando Gallego Becerra & Hoover Orozco Gallego - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Principio de la conservación de la energía mecánica en caída libre.José Edgar Carmona Franco, Amaya Díaz, José Alexander & Karen Lizeth Salcedo Rodríguez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  10.  12
    Of gods and men: The gift of bicameral mentality in Lake Atitlán's Mayan oral literature.José M. Franco Rodríguez & Daniel Montoya - forthcoming - Anthropology of Consciousness:e12236.
    This study investigates contemporary Mayan oral stories through the lens of Julian Jaynes's theory on the origin of consciousness, aiming to identify a potential connection between the literary elements of these narratives and traits of pre‐consciousness outlined by Jaynes. Jaynes's neuropsychological thesis argues that human consciousness emerged around 3000 years ago after a period of “bicameral mind,” characterized by auditory “hallucinations” that guided non‐habitual behavior. He claims that remnants of bicameral mentality linger to this day in all cultures. While his (...)
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  11.  16
    PULEO, Alicia H.: Ecofeminismo. Para otro mundo posible, Cátedra, Madrid, 2011, 439p.Alberto José Franco Barrera - 2012 - Agora 31 (1).
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  12. El método dialéctico.José Montes de Oca Y. Silva - 1949 - Guadalajara, México: [Departamento de Extensión Universitaria].
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  13.  52
    El pensamiento de la muerte en Heidegger y Pierre Theilhard de Chardin.Juan José Montiel Montes - 2003 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 8 (21):59-72.
    Reflection on human death is a reflection on human life. Death is a dimension of life. It is our faithful companion, the only companion that never abandons us since it can occur at any moment. Rejection of death in the extreme is the negation of life. In order to live life fully man must have ..
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  14. La caza de la sabiduría. Una aproximación a la metafísica de Nicolás de Cusa.José Ignacio Mir Montes - 2023
    El propósito de esta investigación es tratar de hacer una aproximación al pensamiento metafísico de Nicolás de Cusa partiendo de su libro La caza de la sabiduría, en las siguientes fases: 1. En primer lugar, pretendo contextualizar al autor, principalmente aquellos aspectos que han marcado notoriamente su pensamiento, como son por ejemplo el comienzo del renacimiento, su papel en la defensa de la unidad de la iglesia, la presencia del pensamiento aristotélico y platónico en la época en que vivió, etc. (...)
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    Positive Influences of Social Support on Sense of Community, Life Satisfaction and the Health of Immigrants in Spain.Isabel Hombrados-Mendieta, Mario Millán-Franco, Luis Gómez-Jacinto, Felipe Gonzalez-Castro, María José Martos-Méndez & Alba García-Cid - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    O problema do erro (pseûdos), a possibilidade do discurso predicativo e a questão ontológica no Sofista de Platão.Rodrigo César Floriano, José Henrique Fonseca Franco & Richard Romeiro Oliveira - 2020 - Investigação Filosófica 11 (3):27.
    O trabalho analisa as relações entre discurso_ _e ser estabelecidas de forma dialética por Platão em seu diálogo tardio _Sofista_. Os sofistas defendiam a impossibilidade de provar a falsidade ou veracidade dos discursos. Tais pensadores baseavam-se no interdito ontológico de Parmênides de Eleia, que preconizava, em linhas gerais, a existência de uma estrita correspondência entre tudo que pode ser dito e o ser, de forma que seria, assim, impossível, dizer algo que não é, ou seja, um não-ser. Contrariando tal perspectiva (...)
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  17.  7
    Jesué Pinharanda Gomes: pensar português: texto inédito e estudos.José Eduardo Franco, José Maria Silva Rosa & Pinharanda Gomes (eds.) - 2019 - Lisboa: Theya.
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  18.  10
    Pensar à frente: corporeidade, desporto, ética, cultura e cidadania: estudos sobre Manuel Sérgio.Manuel Sérgio, José Eduardo Franco & Miguel Real (eds.) - 2021 - Porto: Afrontamento.
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  19. Teoría del conocimiento.Montes de Oca Y. Silva & José[From Old Catalog] - 1949 - México: [Departamento de Extensión Universitaria].
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  20.  47
    Equivalences Among Polarity Algorithms.José-de-Jesús Lavalle-Martínez, Manuel Montes-Y.-Gómez, Luis Villaseñor-Pineda, Héctor Jiménez-Salazar & Ismael-Everardo Bárcenas-Patiño - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (2):371-395.
    The concept of polarity is pervasive in natural language. It relates syntax, semantics and pragmatics narrowly, Semantics: an international handbook of natural language meaning, De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, 2011; Israel in The grammar of polarity: pragmatics, sensitivity, and the logic of scales, Cambridge studies in linguistics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2014), it refers to items of many syntactic categories such as nouns, verbs and adverbs. Neutral polarity items appear in affirmative and negative sentences, negative polarity items cannot appear in affirmative (...)
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  21.  95
    Defending a Phenomenological–Behavioral Perspective: Culture, Behavior, and Experience.Marino Pérez-Álvarez, José M. García-Montes, Adolfo J. Cangas & Louis A. Sass - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):281-285.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Defending a Phenomenological–Behavioral Perspective: Culture, Behavior, and ExperienceMarino Pérez-Álvarez (bio), José M. García-Montes (bio), Adolfo J. Cangas (bio), and Louis A. Sass (bio)KeywordsBehavior, contextual phenomenology, culture, experienceWe should like to express our sincere thanks to all the authors for their commentaries on our articles. Given the restrictions of space (a limitation they too had to contend with), we can only respond to a few aspects of their interesting (...)
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  22.  52
    Academic Placement Data and Analysis: 2015 Final Report.Carolyn Dicey Jennings, Angelo Kyrilov, Patrice Cobb, Evette Montes, Cruz Franco, Justin Vlasits & David W. Vinson - 2015 - APA Grant Funds: Previously Funded Projects.
    The first research report of the APDA project. Findings include that "gender is a significant predictor of type of placement (i.e. permanent versus temporary). The intercept tells us that the odds for male participants to have a permanent academic placement within the first two years after graduation are statistically significant at .37, p < 0.001 when year of graduation is held constant. The odds for female participants to have a permanent academic placement are 1.85, p < 0.001 when graduation year (...)
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  23.  33
    Medidores de deformación por resistencia: Galgas extensiométricas.Alzate Rodríguez, Edwin Jhovany, José William Montes Ocampo & Carlos Armando Silva Ortega - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    II.“Relatively Blunt” Critical Response.Jacques Rancière, Marie‐José Mondzain, Wendy Grace, Robert Morris, Mark Seltzer, Franco Moretti & Katie Trumpener - 2009 - Critical Inquiry 36 (1):134-158.
  25. Au cœur de l'existence, la souffrance ?Marie-josé Pernin, Arthur Schopenhauer & Franco Volpi - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (3):377-380.
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    Effects of Mindfulness Training on Sleep Problems in Patients With Fibromyalgia.Alberto Amutio, Clemente Franco, Laura C. Sánchez-Sánchez, María del C. Pérez-Fuentes, José J. Gázquez-Linares, William Van Gordon & María del M. Molero-Jurado - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  27. Introdução à perspectiva ficcionalista na filosofia da matemática.Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves & José Henrique Fonseca Franco - 2022 - Perspectivas 7 (2):330-346.
    O ficcionalismo, geralmente classificado como um tipo de nominalismo, apresenta como perspectiva precípua a tese de que os entes matemáticos são ficções. Para o ficcionalista, o discurso matemático é desprovido de conteúdo. Hartry Field, que é o principal defensor dessa concepção ontológica da matemática, contesta, em Science Without Numbers, a utilização de entes matemáticos na redação de teorias da física, alegando que a defesa mais plausível do realismo ontológico matemático é o argumento da indispensabilidade de Quine-Putnam. O ficcionalismo defendido por (...)
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  28.  18
    VALDIVIELSO, Joaquín: "Ciudadanos, naturalmente. Reciclar los valores cívicos en clave ecológica". Horsori Editorial, Barcelona, 2011, 144p. [REVIEW]Alberto José Franco Barrera - 2013 - Agora 32 (1).
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    Differences in visual search behavior between expert and novice team sports athletes: A systematic review with meta-analysis.Ana Filipa Silva, José Afonso, António Sampaio, Nuno Pimenta, Ricardo Franco Lima, Henrique de Oliveira Castro, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Israel Teoldo, Hugo Sarmento, Francisco González Fernández, Agnieszka Kaczmarek, Anna Oniszczuk & Eugenia Murawska-Ciałowicz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundFor a long time, in sports, researchers have tried to understand an expert by comparing them with novices, raising the doubts if the visual search characteristics distinguish experts from novices. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to review and conduct a meta-analysis to evaluate the differences in visual search behavior between experts and novices in team sports athletes.MethodsThis systematic review with meta-analysis followed the PRISMA 2020 and Cochrane's guidelines. Healthy team athletes were included, which engaged in regular practice, (...)
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  30.  20
    Technologies for Cognitive Training and Cognitive Rehabilitation for People With Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. A Systematic Review.Eider Irazoki, Leslie María Contreras-Somoza, José Miguel Toribio-Guzmán, Cristina Jenaro-Río, Henriëtte van der Roest & Manuel A. Franco-Martín - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    (1 other version)reinventando a prática alfabetizadora de paulo freire. uma experiência de alfabetização filosófica em Pau dos Ferros, RN.Walter Omar Kohan, Ana Corina Salas, Ana Maria Monte Coelho Frota, Carlineide Almeida, José Ricardo Santiago Jr, Karyne Dias Coutinho, Marcio Nicodemos, Maria Reilta Dantas Cirino, Meirilene Dos Santos Araújo Barbosa, Óscar Pulido Cortés, Priscila Liz Belmont & Robson Roberto Martins Lins - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18.
    O presente texto narra uma experiência de formação de alfabetizadores de jovens e adultos: uma alfabetização filosófica de 40 horas com 300 alfabetizadores em julho de 2022, como primeira etapa do Programa “Supera RN” em Pau dos Ferros, dentro da Política de Superação do Analfabetismo do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (RN). O texto tematiza em que sentido a experiência de Alfabetização filosófica se inspira e ao mesmo tempo se diferencia do curso de Alfabetização oferecido por Paulo Freire em (...)
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  32. Falsi, contraffazioni, finzioni.Paolo D'angelo, Sandor Radnoti, Michele di Monte, Pietro Kobau, Carola Barbero, Giovanni Garroni, Giuliana Calcani, Daniela Angelucci & Franco Fabbri - 2006 - Rivista di Estetica 46 (31):3-171.
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  33. Inner Harmony as an Essential Facet of Well-Being: A Multinational Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic.David F. Carreno, Nikolett Eisenbeck, José Antonio Pérez-Escobar & José M. García-Montes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aimed to explore the role of two models of well-being in the prediction of psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic, namely PERMA and mature happiness. According to PERMA, well-being is mainly composed of five elements: positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning in life, and achievement. Instead, mature happiness is understood as a positive mental state characterized by inner harmony, calmness, acceptance, contentment, and satisfaction with life. Rooted in existential positive psychology, this harmony-based happiness represents the result of living in (...)
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    Humano e inumano: a dignidade do homem e os novos desafios: actas do.Pedro M. S. Alves, José Manuel Santos & Alexandre Franco de Sá (eds.) - 2006 - Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    Application of MICMAC and Regnier’s Abacus Techniques to Assess the Association between High Sugar Diet and the Prevalence of Dental Caries in Young Adults.Piedad Mary Martelo Gómez, Raúl José Martelo Gómez & David Antonio Franco Borré - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1132-1142.
    This study aimed to identify and assess the association between a high-sugar diet and the prevalence of dental caries in young adults. In addition, these variables were prioritized based on their relevance and dependence using the complementary methodologies MICMAC and Regnier’s abacus. A literature review was conducted to identify the related variables. A group of 10 dentistry and nutrition experts assesses the importance of these variables using a structured questionnaire. As a result, both methodologies agreed on the importance of dental (...)
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    Virtual Immersion in STEM Education: A MICMAC Study on How Virtual Reality Impacts the Understanding and Application of Scientific Concepts.Piedad Mary Martelo Gómez, Raúl José Martelo Gómez & David Antonio Franco Borré - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:162-173.
    The integration of virtual reality into STEM education has generated growing interest in how this technology impacts the understanding and application of scientific concepts. This study focuses on investigating this relationship by using the MICMAC technique to identify key variables and their interactions in virtual educational environments. It was found that variables such as the design of educational content, the quality of the virtual experience, and the interactivity of the environment are key to the learning process in STEM. In addition, (...)
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  37.  30
    ‘Nicanor y la Violeta’: Un análisis crítico del uso del artículo definido ante nombres propios masculinos y femeninos.Leonardo Aliaga Rovira, Patricia Avilés Retamal, Domingo Román Montes de Oca, María José Serrano Insunza, Camila Colicheo Cabrera & Francisco Soto Cáceres - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (2):224-235.
    En este artículo se estudia la estructura “artículo definido + nombre propio antropónimo” y su distribución de uso en casos de antropónimos femeninos y masculinos. Se parte del supuesto de que esta estructura es más frecuente cuando el antropónimo es femenino. Al ser expletiva la presencia del artículo ante los sustantivos propios y, por el contrario, ser requerido su uso o el de otro determinante, en posiciones sintácticas específicas, ante los sustantivos comunes, la aparición del artículo definido precediendo al antropónimo (...)
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  38. Relaciones médico-paciente: un estudio empírico.Robert Hall, Jorge Arriaga, Octavio Bucio, Francisco Franco & José Pérez - 2007 - Medicina y Ética 18:315-336.
    Este estudio de relaciones médico-paciente en Mexico involucró entrevistas realizadas a 1700 pacientes inmediatamente de.\pués de salir de su consulta clínica. Se llevó a cabo entre los años 2004-05 en León, More ha, Guanajuato y en Charleston, West Virginia, USA. Los propósitos fueron: 1) establecer un base de datos como punto de referencia para investigaciones futuras en instituciones del cuidado de la salud con referencia a la comunicación médico-paciente, a la satisfacción de los pacientes y al consentimiento infórmado y, 2) (...)
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  39.  23
    From aesthetics as critique to grammars of listening: aesthetic resistance to epistemic violence (autobiographical essay).María del Rosario Acosta López, María Camila Salinas Castillo, Juan David Franco Daza, Yair José Sánchez Negrette & Santiago Cadavid Uribe - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 66:131-154.
    This paper presents an overview of my work in philosophy from my first book on Friedrich Schiller and the political sublime to my most recent project on listening to traumatic forms of violence. Starting with a reflection on the autobiographical character of philosophy, I propose to take up the question of an aesthetic dimension of philosophical critique, where aesthetics is understood as an always already embodied perspective on the world, on truth, and on philosophical activity, as well as an always (...)
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  40.  86
    More Aristotle, Less DSM: The Ontology of Mental Disorders in Constructivist Perspective.Marino Pérez-Álvarez, Louis A. Sass & José M. García-Montes - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):211-225.
    This work begins by proposing the need for exploring the mode of being of mental disorders. It is a philosophical study in an Aristotelian perspective, with special emphasis on the anthropological–cultural dimension. It is difficult for such an inquiry to be carried out from within psychiatry or clinical psychology, committed as these fields are to their own logic and practical conditions. The issues are, in any case, more ontological than strictly clinical in nature. We therefore turn to Aristotle, and specifically (...)
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    The Educational Digital Ecosystem: A MICMAC Decomposition of the Reciprocal Influences Between Technological Platforms and Evaluation Methods.Piedad Mary Martelo Gómez, Raúl José Martelo Gómez & David Antonio Franco Borré - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:588-600.
    This study focuses on analyzing the interactions between technological platforms and evaluation methods in the educational digital ecosystem. The main objective is to identify the key variables that influence this environment and offer recommendations to improve the online educational experience. This is an exploratory study with a mixed approach, using the MICMAC technique to analyze the influence and dependence of the identified variables. The results reveal the importance of aspects such as the quality of content and technological infrastructure, as well (...)
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  42. Franco Amerio: Epistemologi Contemporanei.José Barrio & Staff - 1953 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 12 (47):638.
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  43. Franco y Rojo: dos estrategias en la guerra de España.José María Laso Prieto - 1995 - El Basilisco 18:83-91.
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  44. José Ortega y Gasset y la conquista de la conciencia histórica.Franco Diaz de Cerio Ruiz - 1961 - Barcelona,: J. Flors.
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  45. La presencia de Ortega en la formacion fenomenologica de Xavier Zubiri / The Prescence of Ortega in the Phenomenological Formation of Xavier Zubiri.Jaime Montes Miranda - 1989 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1:43.
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  46. Usability and User Experience of Cognitive Intervention Technologies for Elderly People With MCI or Dementia: A Systematic Review.Leslie María Contreras-Somoza, Eider Irazoki, José Miguel Toribio-Guzmán, Isabel de la Torre-Díez, Angie Alejandra Diaz-Baquero, Esther Parra-Vidales, María Victoria Perea-Bartolomé & Manuel Ángel Franco-Martín - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionIncorporating technology in cognitive interventions represents an innovation, making them more accessible, flexible, and cost-effective. This will not be feasible without adequate user-technology fit. Bearing in mind the importance of developing cognitive interventions whose technology is appropriate for elderly people with cognitive impairment, the objective of this systematic review was to find evidence about usability and user experience measurements and features of stimulation, training, and cognitive rehabilitation technologies for older adults with mild cognitive impairment or dementia.MethodThe Medline, PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, (...)
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    [Recensão a] Franco Trabattoni - Platão.José Trindade Santos - 2010 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 5:143-146.
    Franco Trabattoni. Platão.. São Paulo, Annablume, 2010, 342 pp.
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    Evaluación formativa en tiempos del COVID-19: la percepción de los estudiantes universitarios.Iván Montes-Iturrizaga - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-11.
    En el marco del COVID-19 se produjo un tránsito abrupto de la modalidad presencial a la virtual en las universidades peruanas. Esto habría gatillado una serie de desafíos y tensiones en las prácticas pedagógicas. Así, esta investigación analiza las prácticas evaluativas desde la percepción de los estudiantes (n = 194) de una universidad de Lima. Se optó por un estudio (cuantitativo) descriptivo comparativo y correlacional. Los resultados sugieren que la evaluación formativa de los aprendizajes habría experimentado un franco retroceso; (...)
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    The Construction of Collective Memory: from Franco to Democracy.José Vidal-Beneyto - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (1):17-26.
    Collective memory is neither spontaneous nor random, but the result of a series of selective practices. It establishes group identity and sets power relations between groups. The author considers the process of selection through a case study of the transformation of Franco’s regime in Spain into a democracy. Collective memory of the time is shown to be organized around an event (the Munich Coalition or contubernio) and around the democratic transition. The author traces two opposing notions, negationist (denying any (...)
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    Pensiero e tempo: ricerche sullo storicismo critico: figure, modelli, attualità.Franco Cambi - 2008 - Firenze: Firenze University Press.
    This book encompasses a profound meditation on the twentieth-century fortunes of historicism as a philosophical model. After a reconstruction of its decline (as a unified and compact philosophical "ism" and as the direct heir of idealism, especially in Italy) and of its persistence as a philosophical style, the volume then penetrates the frontier of the neo-historicisms, probing two of their European faces in the shape of José Ortega y Gasset and Theodor W. Adorno. It then goes on to develop (...)
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